Big ratings and many rave reviews have greeted The Rachel Maddow Show which took over the 9 PM slot on MSNBC previously held by The Verdict with Dan Abrams. Sorry, but I'm not joining the raving throngs.
Her spot isn't bad, it's worse: boring. Whereas Verdict was lively and fresh, Ms. Maddow's plays like a televised radio show. (Or blog. Yikes.) She is certainly smart, eloquent, witty, with a firm grasp of the issues--and, of course, telegenic, which unfortunately matters in the business she's in--but I don't find myself drawn to her as I was when she would periodically fill in for Keith Olbermann on his Countdown. Admittedly, it might be too soon to criticize, and after all, she's getting good ratings, so I just may be one of the few not entirely in her show's corner. Yet.
Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]
Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David . An Iranian-bo...
There's plenty of punditry for you to digest out there, so I'll make it short and sweet: - Sen. Barack Obama came across more subst...
During his speech at the RNC Tuesday night, former senator Fred Thompson , said the following about John McCain : " Now, being a POW ce...