Before we go any further, for the record, I find Samantha Bee’s epithet towards Ivanka Trump coarse and vulgar; it’s not a term I have ever condoned let alone used, plus Ms. Bee is smarter and wittier than that.
I hear Bee has apologized for the insult. I respect that it’s her call and she chose to apologize.
However, I don’t wanna hear any pearl-clutching bullshit from ANYONE about this, ESPECIALLY and PARTICULARLY from supporters of a walking vulgarity of a man who openly brags about sexually assaulting women, mocks POWs and Gold Star families, ridicules the disabled and defends Nazis and other assorted white supremacists, but has YET to pay a price for his rank bigotry. When his supporters start demanding that Trump apologize for the myriad of blatant, disgusting pronouncements he gleefully spews on a regular basis then, maybe, we can talk about reciprocating. Maybe. Fuck that 'we go high' nonsense—these people don’t understand civility. We need more Alan Graysons and less Michelle Obamas right now.
So, until these people acknowledge the vulgarity of their Cheeto Messiah, if in your heart you feel you want to denounce this family of disgusting grifters and those who enable them with sewer grade language, go right ahead. They’re not much better than that anyway. Fuck ‘em.
As for the Chumpbots, go poke a fork in a wall socket. Every last one of you.