Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Matthew Yglesias Chastises Press for Not Conveying Mueller's Results

"A majority of Americans — 59 percent — say in a new survey that Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia and the 2016 campaign has not yet uncovered evidence of any crimes, even though in reality, Mueller has already obtained five guilty pleas and 17 criminal indictments. 
That suggests that the press as a whole has not done a good job of actually conveying factual information to our audience, that Democrats’ messaging on the investigation has not been clear enough on the most damning point (Trump, even if otherwise innocent, is guilty of hiring crooks and trying to prevent an investigation into their activity), and that Trump’s counterstrategy of muddying the waters around the investigation has been fairly successful."
[Vox: Most Americans Don’t Realize Robert Mueller’s Investigation Has Uncovered Crimes]

Worst. Monday. Morning. Quarterbacking. Ever.

I’m talking about as little as possible about what’s on the horizon because I get into an uncontrollable rage when I discuss it or even thin...