This week, Republican hypocrisy and double standards sank so low it only failed to sink any further due to Trump’s praise for a murderous despot and his regime clogging up the bottom.
After childishly and pointlessly insulting, arguably, our closest ally over a subject that could've been addressed without bullshit chest-thumping, he then goes to Singapore and praises a murderous thug, while weakening the security of another ally in exchange for...zilch. Forget about how Republicans mocked candidate Obama as a naïve appeaser of tyrants and thugs when he admitted he would seek out and meet with our enemies if it was in the service of peace, the White House’s current resident clown got played. He needlessly antagonized Canada, compromised South Korean security, saluted a general from a totalitarian regime, and gave Kim Jong Un a spot on the world stage. I believe the t-shirt should read “My President Went To Meet With A Murderous Dictator And All We Got Was a Photo Op.” But, honestly, did anyone expect a better outcome?
And yes, we can go into the repeated instances of Trump praising dictators and thugs while belittling longstanding, tried and true allies but that’s a waste of time: it’s a given that Trump is a wannabe Mango Mussolini who wishes he could run this country like one of his bullshit real estate properties, where his word is law and minions worriedly scramble to be in his favor.
Unfortunately, it seems as if with each passing day we come closer to the above scenario.
Trump is but one man, of course. However his cult is strong. While two thirds of the country disapprove of the man, almost 90% of Republicans are on his side. These are the people who don’t bat an eyelash when it comes to supporting a bigoted, corrupt, inept, lying, morally corrupt, shell of a man and his horrible acts and policies. And it’s pretty cut and dried: they’re either too stupid to get it (that $800m in Medicare cuts is not only going to affect liberal senior citizens, you know?) or they do get it ("I got mine. Fuck everybody else!") and approve.
These people were tired of everyone else having a voice and them not being able to further impose theirs. In their minds, it was time these uppity negroes and spics and queers and man-hating feminazis were put in their place. A black president was the last straw—someone needed to rescue America from this calamitous pursuit of equality and the choking grip of social justice and show those warriors to be the terrorists they actually are, among other thoughts swamping the pool of bitter resentment these Chumpbots’ hearts (or lack thereof) swim.
And so, along came a modern day snake oil salesman—what more could reality TV unleash on us?—defender of dictators and Nazis; with a legal and public history of corrupt and racist acts; an avowed misogynist and fake Christian who shared their ignorance and hate. Their Orange Messiah had arrived. By God, he’s finally come and they’re not letting go.
So, let’s stop putting all of this on Trump. 63 million voters freely and openly sided with this PoS. And the vast majority of those still have his back. Again, Trump is but one; but they are legion. The blood is on their hands. The enemy is us.