Friday, April 13, 2018

Like That Tina Turner Song

As the sordid saga of this poor excuse of a human being, let alone POTUS, keeps unraveling, many liberals have found a measure of solace and have even sought to champion Republicans of the "Never Trump" persuasion who have dared to openly criticize Donald Trump in public, in this particular case, ex-FBI director James Comey who, in his upcoming memoirs, A Higher Loyalty, paints an acutely disparaging picture of the president. But Esquire's Charles P. Pierce, a fierce critic of Trump and his administration, isn't ready to send love letters to folks who may cringe at Trump's bigotry and vulgarity but are pretty much on board, otherwise. And he's not making an exception for Comey who he considers "a self-reverential careerist who should be marked lousy by history."

I hold no brief for James Comey. He seems to me as he always has: an ambitious careerist with an unseemly affection for his own rectitude. His clumsy, unforgivable meddling in the last week of the 2016 presidential campaign should mark him lousy in American political history for all time. And now he’s pitching a book about how he is the primary martyr of the Never Trump movement, getting fired for us all...No, I don’t trust anybody in this tangled catastrophe. I distrust some people less than I distrust others but, before everyone chooses sides on straight-arrow James Comey, I thought I ought to make that as clear as possible.

Tell us how you really feel, man. Ha!

[Esquire: James Comey Is No Hero]

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...