Sunday, April 22, 2018

So, What Are The Democrats Doing?

With the exception of the recent lawsuit filed against Russia, the Trump campaign, and WikiLeaks, for conspiring to interfere in the 2016 election, Tom Perez and the Democrats have been awfully quiet of late. I'd like to think their concocting a killer game plan but deep down I fear they're cowering in a corner, overwhelmed by the magnitude of what they're up against.


- Remember that surprise Rudy Giuliani gleefully advertised on every talk show that would have him, days before the 2016 election? James Comey opened an investigation into the possibility of elements within the FBI alerting Giuliani to Comey's then-upcoming discovery and announcement regarding another batch of "new" Hillary Clinton-related emails. Too bad Comey got fired by Trump before the investigation reached its conclusion. Does the GOP-led Congress want to look into this? Of course not. And now Giuliani, Trump's old lap attack dog, has joined his master's side.

- Leaning on the DoJ to release the Comey memos was nothing more than an excuse to get Deputy Director Rosenstein in a position to be fired if he failed to comply. It backfired, but what's even more telling is that the GOP has NO PROBLEM with Comey's account of Trump demanding loyalty to him and trying to influence him to drop the Michael Flynn probe. No Republican cares about this for, as Rep. Jim Himes [D-CT] said recently, the GOP Congress has abdicated its role of oversight and become Trump's defense lawyer.

- The NRA, which owns a truckload of Republican politicians, has confirmed ties with Russia it refuses to discuss. The NRA also donated $30m to Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. With that wave of gun control-minded, newly minted youth voters looking to vote in the midterms, the NRA will act even more desperate in the months to come.

- Trump and the RNC, in a similar act of desperation will ramp up the racist, anti-immigrant rhetoric, which will likely reach cacophonous levels.

- Fearing the possibility of losing both houses of Congress in November, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is looking to confirm as many judges as possible before then. There are currently 149 vacancies.

Put on your big boy pants Democrats, it's gonna get even uglier.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...