Friday, April 27, 2018

West's Side Story

In his must-read Op-Ed over at, author and radio host Clay Cane sheds light on Kanye West's embracing of Donald Trump and it's every bit as pathetic as one would expect from an entitled, out-of-touch celebrity, regardless of political persuasion.
"Mr. West's latest rants prove how deeply far gone he is. After co-signing a black Trump supporter last Friday who idiotically claimed in March that the National Rifle Association was a civil rights organization to fight the Ku Klux Klan, he spoke to Ebro Darden from Hot 97, saying, 'I love Donald Trump'. Where did this love come from? A clue might be President Barack Obama not stroking Kanye's celebrity ego. The rapper whined to Darden, 'Well, I reached out to Obama for years and I couldn't get anything done, but Trump gave me a meeting'. Yep, Kanye believes he was entitled to a meeting with a sitting president just because he is rich and famous. How very Trump-like of him. Mr. West is a prime example of a person who achieves wealth and adopts the conservative values that will help him keep it."
Not to mention that President Obama publicly called West "a jackass".
Aww, poor baby.

Cane further points out the many instances that would generate ample reason for any self-aware and self-respecting person, especially one of color, to stay clear of a lifetime vulgar bigot like Trump but...
"Kanye has the space to dismiss racism. His life will arguably never be threatened by the police. He is not suffering wage discrimination. He will not be racially profiled at Starbucks or LA Fitness. He will never worry about getting laid off from a job because of a despicable tax bill. Kanye lives a privileged life, therefore, Trumpism benefits his materialistic and narcissistic world."
Were it not for the fact that he's a popular artist who has the power to influence a great many, this would simply be the ramblings of yet another rambling kook with access to the spotlight [see Voight, Jon, et al.] but West is toxic on so many levels. Just like his bromance partner at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

[CNN: Kanye Only Cares About Himself...Just Like Trump]

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...