Thursday, April 26, 2018

Watergate for Morons

"Someone as unmotivated and unskilled as Trump ought to have chosen top people for his administration, but he did not. By and large, the working staff of Trump’s campaign-turned-White House consists of fourth-raters deemed too unskilled or simply too dumb to get a job in any administration but Trump’s. Therefore, we have shady political hacks considered untouchably unsavory and crooked by Washington’s shady political class. There are sub-shop managers masquerading as consiglieri. There are soi-disant academics turned Fox News blowhards. There are deviants in league with foreign intelligence. There are of course wife-beaters and related criminals. While it was once fashionable to deride Nixon’s staff as inept bunglers lacking basic ethics, they loom as moral paragons and MacArthur Fellows compared to the doomed crew of room-temperature-IQ wannabes that Trump has collected around himself in Washington."

Every time I remember that a plurality of voters decided this vulgar bigot and narcissistic ignoramus was fit to serve as POTUS, my contempt for his supporters expands exponentially, for in many aspects they are a mirror reflection of this pox on the presidency, the country and, by virtue of his office's reach and power, the world. And so...

[Observer: Kremlingate Is Really Just Watergate for Morons—With Russians]

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...