Wednesday, April 18, 2018

GOP: None More Hypocritical

At the risk of being labeled an über partisan—a risk I assume whole-heartedly and without reservation of any kind—I have lost all respect for Republicans of all stripes and their followers and, until, proven the contrary I will not see them as little more than hypocrites of the worst caliber.


The reasons are both numerous and evident to anyone who has been paying attention to American politics over the last decade. Here are but a few:
- The same people who publicly decided their main goal, from the moment Barack Obama was elected, was not to get the country to work and boost the economy but to make the newly-elected Obama a one-term POTUS, had the nerve to ask us all to stand behind support the current president and his nefarious policies.

- States Rights is a Republican mantra that only applies to states that want to enact or maintain retrograde conservative policies, like preserving the statues of traitors Confederates, but is seemingly non-existent when it comes to California's right to make marijuana legal, for instance.

- While they pay lip service to curbing federal spending when Democrats are in power, Republicans remain currently mum about their own exploding of the deficit or even about chastising cabinet members blowing cash like drunken sailors on shore leave.

- Obama was a symbol of tyranny but Trump acting like a Third World dictator (putting family members in key positions of power, making loyalty to him and not competence the determining factor is naming ministers, meddling in the DoJ, etc. etc. etc.) is no big deal.

- That Trump clearly has an underlying issue that prevents him from acting in any credible manner against Russia, a country the GOP has built a legacy of opposing in order to show their true American colors, and that very few of them have even raised an eyebrow in this regard, is troubling at best; grounds for suspicion of treason at worst.

But that's today's conservatives for ya. And a third of the country is behind 'em no matter what. Just as long as liberals get screwed over, of course.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...