"But [Michael Avenatti] believes the true smoking gun is a so-called Suspicious Activities Report (S.A.R.) reportedly created by the Treasury Department earlier this year after a bank is reported to have flagged Cohen’s account for dubious transactions. (The Treasury Department and First Republic Bank did not provide a comment to The Wall Street Journal, which broke the story, while Cohen called it 'fake news'.) 'That is a critical document at this juncture of the case', said Avenatti. If such a report existed it could very well describe a narrative of events in which monies were moved from bank account to bank account in an effort to cover up campaign payments to Trump’s alleged mistresses. 'The importance of that document cannot be overstated', he said.[Vanity Fair: “Michael Cohen Is Going to be Indicted”: Stormy Daniels' Attorney is Now Cooperating with the Feds]
While his request for the document has been met with radio silence by the Treasury Department, the F.B.I. may well have it—Avenatti speculates that it could be the blueprint for the entire investigation The way Avenatti talks about the report brings to mind Woodward and Bernstein’s discovery, in 1972, of the $25,000 bank deposit from a Nixon campaign-finance chairman into the account of one of the Watergate burglars."
Friday, April 20, 2018
Avenatti's Stormy Forecast for Cohen et al
Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]
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