Thursday, April 12, 2018


[My apologies to the great music critic J. D. Considine for biting off his infamous review of the 1987 self-titled album by the band GTR for the above headline.]

With House Speaker Paul Ryan [R-WI] announcing he will not seek re-election there has been hand wringing by the likes of The View's Meghan McCain, warning those rejoicing over this news that the nice GOPers are being ousted and it's the Trump Army that will be rolling into town. Now, only a full-on Republican partisan could see a granny-starving, Ayn Rand-loving scoundrel like Ryan as one of the good guys but she does have a partial point: the Republican Party is now joining such respected media entities as Breitbart and Fox um, News, as purveyors of propaganda (and supporters of potential treason) with a new website, paid by the Republican National Committee, aimed at discrediting former FBI head James Comey.

It is both disingenuous (citing Dems who disagreed with Comey's handling of HRC's emails, not the Russia investigation but not making the clear distinction) and a disgrace but that's American politics in the Year of Our Lord 2018. The Democrats will clutch their pearls and mock faint but they better recover soon enough to fight back, because this is the opening salvo in a non-stop campaign season by a party that sees themselves drowning in a voter-instigated blue tsunami in November.

If the Russians don't provide lifeboats, of course.

[Esquire: The Republican Party Has Drowned Itself in Trumpism. Proves It.]

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...