I’m talking about as little as possible about what’s on the horizon because I get into an uncontrollable rage when I discuss it or even think about it. And, believe it or not, the GOP is the least of my irritants right now.
A few hours after the Orange Sewer Rat’s victory was still hot off the electoral grill Sen. Bernie Sanders declared that Democrats have abandoned the working class. I must’ve not been paying attention when Kamala Harris proposed to gut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid; destroy Obamacare; throw into the dustbin of history all kinds of labor protection laws (including child labor laws, which have been relaxed in some red states lately); divorcing herself from environmental regulations; or when she lied about subsidizing entrepreneurial endeavors and giving families an extra tax credit. Not to mention her vow to repeal the numerous benefits for working class people that Democrats have championed and fought for over the last hundred years, while the Republican party has opposed every single one of those and is still, looking to destroy all of it. So I guess Harris really screwed up huh? Not to mention that under Joe Biden’s administration we have had the best post-pandemic recovery of any nation in the world and unemployment is at 4%. But no, Democrats hate working people.
Her campaigning with Liz Cheney drew ire in certain circles, as that last name does not evoke, let’s say, warm and fuzzy feelings among Democrats. As someone who marched and protested against the Bush – Cheney administration, I get it. But the threat of Mongo Mussolini was too great to not establish a coalition with people with a shared mission which was, in this case, to avoid him becoming president again. Sometimes you make alliances that might not feel comfortable, but are necessary. Unfortunately, this one failed. But I’m not gonna knock it otherwise and neither should any rational Democrat. Grow up.
“Build a big tent,” was the exhortation given by Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut. I don’t know if the senator has been informed, but the Democratic Party is nothing but a big tent. One of the problems we have in getting things done is that there are so many different ideologies and perspectives within the Democratic Party. It’s not like over on the GOP side, who can ostensibly just decide one day that ‘From now on all Republicans must smoke Marlboro Red. If you smoke something else or if you just don’t smoke, leave right now’and have 99% respond, ‘Done. Immediately.’
And of course, nothing brings out internal Democratic warring factions like “the far left and wokeness alienated the voters.” (Betcha senators Sanders and Murphy don’t see eye to eye on that one. )
Well, I call bullshit. But you know what? Let’s say for the sake of argument that these factors did alienate American voters and pushed them towards the orange-hued traitor and rapist and misogynist and sexist and xenophobe they voted for.
Any working class person who believed “wokeness“ was a bigger ill or threat to them than losing their rights and benefits by handing over the nation to an inept, twice indicted and multiply charged criminal and wannabe dictator, who already derailed the economy once before, then they deserve the world of pain that’s in store for them. I’ll save my empathy for those who did not vote for this unmitigated and, soon to be, unrelenting disaster, but will be hurt by it, anyway.
Of course the biggest irony is that, seemingly, the only prominent Democrat out there making sense is Rep. Dean Phillips: yeah, the one with a failed run against Biden in the primaries. Phillips was asked by WaPo what Democrats as a party need to do from here on in: “We have a good product but terrible packaging and distribution.”
‘Wrong!', say both the spineless scaredy cat Democrats and DINOs. ‘It was wokeness and all that empathy for threatened groups that got us in trouble. Now we must show the voters that we can be Republican-lite and hate the vulnerable, too.’
Worst. Monday. Morning. Quarterbacking. Ever.
Monday, November 11, 2024
Worst. Monday. Morning. Quarterbacking. Ever.
Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]
Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David . An Iranian-bo...
There's plenty of punditry for you to digest out there, so I'll make it short and sweet: - Sen. Barack Obama came across more subst...
During his speech at the RNC Tuesday night, former senator Fred Thompson , said the following about John McCain : " Now, being a POW ce...