First, let's get the obvious out of the way:
Yes, it’s a clickbait-y sensationalist headline purposely devised to get your attention. Here’s the catch, though: it’s true.
This week, the folks over at the Lincoln Project—a group of prominent of Republicans including constitutional lawyer George Conway; former campaign manager for John McCain’s presidential run in 2008, Steve Schmidt; and former advisor to Ted Cruz, author and political operative Rick Wilson—who have made no secret of wanting Trump defeated in November and have been actively working towards that goal, endorsed Joe Biden for president, a first for all involved.
These are the Republicans my headline is referring to, for those keeping score at home. Although, this is not a surprise to anyone who reads my commentary since I've let it be known I am quite alright with Never Trumpers, especially since many of them have been much more vocal and direct in their attacks on Trump than 95% of Democrats. (Hello! Tom Perez! Anybody home?)
But let me be clear, Never Trumper support does not mean they get a seat at the table. (Nor are they asking for one, as far as I can tell.) And I don’t want anyone to be under the impression I am whitewashing their resumés, either. (Wilson and Ted Cruz, for instance. Ugh.) But this is an 'all hands on deck' situation, so whether you're an independent, supported another Democrat or have been a GOPer all your life who wants no part of the Orange Turd, WE NEED YOU. We can sort it out later and dream of a day when we can argue about taxes and arts and education and health funding with Republicans again. But right now we need to unite in the common goal of removing this shit stain of a president from the White House.
Speaking of which, for all his bluster and acquired bravado, Needy Amin knows deep down his goose is cooked and that his GOP enablers and sycophants won't be there for him if he loses in November and finds himself leaving Mar-A-Lago in handcuffs in January of next year. Which is why he's going into 'animal backed into a corner' mode, knowing he needs to be re-elected (or God forbid, forcefully and illegally stay in office) in order to avoid a jumpsuit to match his fake skin tone. With the added plus for him and his cronies that he finally gets to destroy this country in four more years. (Or even less. As if this plague wasn't enough, that nightmare scenario is also is upon us.)
And so, at a time when we have liberals/progressives vowing to sit out this election (in the middle of a plague dramatically exacerbated by this sentient sewage masquerading as POTUS, no less) we need all the help we can get. And the Never Trumpers in the Lincoln Project can reach people our side would NEVER be able to convince to support Biden. Fact, yo.
In their formal statement this week, the Lincoln Project board made clear this was the first time any of them had endorsed a Democrat for POTUS. Well, this is the first time I’ve endorsed a Republican for anything.
God Bless America.
Let’s do this.
Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]
Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David . An Iranian-bo...
There's plenty of punditry for you to digest out there, so I'll make it short and sweet: - Sen. Barack Obama came across more subst...
During his speech at the RNC Tuesday night, former senator Fred Thompson , said the following about John McCain : " Now, being a POW ce...