Barring him having a heart attack or some unforeseen event, we will get 4 more years of Donald Trump.
Yes, I said it.
It is inconceivable that the most corrupt POTUS in history has a fighting chance to win re-election but when you consider that election interference will be greater this time and the Republican-controlled Senate is doing everything it can NOT to protect the election, plus add a dysfunctional, blunder-prone Democratic party with a base hijacked by a purity-driven, take-my-ball-and-go-home faction, that's a recipe for disaster.
Case in point: In a recent speech, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [D-NY] defended the purity stance as "having values" and "giving a damn" and went on to further the small donations
narrative, which is little more than feel good demagoguery perpetrated by those who should be
working to take money out of politics instead of grandstanding on their
purity. If ever that tired hip hop cliché "Don't hate the player; hate the game" made sense, it's in this context. So before we get into the potential outcome of the 2020 election, let's take a brief detour.
Democrats are
perennial losers even when good and truth are on their side because they fail to recognize that the rules are
invalid if only one side abides by them. When the Republicans show up
with bazookas and cannons the Democrats, instead of finding ways to
fight back, just complain about only
having paper clips and rubber bands, while the Republicans slaughter
them. Worse still, sometimes they use the paper clips and rubber bands
as a badge of honor. Like elevating small donations to holy ground while doing next to nothing to remove big money from politics.
Now, I generally like AOC but that was some condescending, delusional, self-righteous bullshit she spewed. Purity in politics is actually NOT giving a damn that your rigidity will cost elections and bring about the likes of Donald Trump and his pirate ship of deplorables. Purity is the enemy of compromise and compromise is the essence of politics, if not life itself. Purity is the reason why the Democrats will be unable to defeat the most corrupt POTUS in history, because, let’s face it—if Bernie Sanders is not the nominee AOC and a significant faction of the party and his followers outside of it will boycott the process and refuse to support the nominee, whoever that is.
Too bad Sanders can’t beat Trump.
Well, to be honest, none of them can.
Sen. Biden has turned to mush; Mayor Buttigieg can’t beat his Dem opponents let alone Trump. Sen. Klobuchar? Are you serious? The aforementioned Sanders is a pipe dream; Trump will gobble up Sen. Warren like a fried biscuit; and Mr. Yang means well but, c’mon.
And so, the Orange Nightmare will continue and the Democrats will go down in history as the party unable to defeat the worst POTUS of the last 100 years because, for a chunk of them, it was more important to be self-righteous than to win.
I so hope I'm wrong. But I'm not.
Brace yourselves.
Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]
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