Thursday, April 25, 2024


From what I understand, ESPN has internal rules about anchors not discussing politics on the air, as well as not broaching the subject publicly elsewhere. So, how does this jibe with Stephen A. Smith going on Faux News to praise and defend the Orange Turd? 
(Btw, Smith’s appearance on the infamous rightwing network coincided with one by Newt Gingrich, in which the disgraced former Speaker compared the Orange Turd’s legal woes to the plight of beaten, brutalized and murdered Civil Rights activists of the 1960s. Yeah, he went there.)

The cries of "sellout!" from prominent members of the African American community were expected...until you see Smith's appearance on Hannity's show. It's much worse than you think and to call him a useful idiot is to be kind to the man: Smith spewed a smorgsabord of ignorance, false equivalency, disinformation and GOPee talking points. 

He's a fucking disgrace.

Friday, March 17, 2023


South Carolina Republicans want to impose the death penalty on South Carolinian women who seek abortions in another state. You know, because the GOPee is pro-life, right? 

Hell is too good for these PoS.

The GOPee Are Just Following Orders From Their Base

These Republican sewer rats masquerading as politicians are merely individuals. The true rot lies at the heart of the QOP base who vote for this scum in droves. And in the case of the Orange Turd, by the millions. Those millions are the truly putrid ones: those who celebrate the authoritarian measures and dictatorial rants; who mix anti-Semitism and a contempt for the press by chanting "Jew York Times!" at rallies; who endorse the banning of drag shows in public places but are fine with Nazis demonstrating in the same public square. They are filth of the lowest kind and the worst of this country by far. And no one can change my mind.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

What's The Frequency, Rupert?

Now that there is a preponderance of evidence that Fox News deliberately lied to their audience in order to stop the hemorrhaging of viewers—who didn’t want to hear the unbearable news that their favorite Orange Turd had lost the election—there’s a lot of talk going around about the infamous cable network going bankrupt from this Dominion lawsuit and a similar one by Smartmatic alleging defamation with intent. The former is looking for $1.6b in damages but with a punitive award the sky’s the limit.

“This will finally break Fox.”
“They’re gonna go bankrupt.”
“Fox News will disappear.”
Nope. I don’t think so.
To be completely honest I’m basing this on my ever growing cynicism. I mean, if you’ve lived in this country, or have been observing it closely, you know that in the last few years, in particular, the lack of accountability is breathtaking, even by Third World standards. I mean, if any of us had committed a mere fraction of the crimes #TRE45ON is guilty of, we’d be wearing orange jumpsuits at Guantanamo already. And yet…
Meanwhile, there are traitors to this country who supported the January 6 insurrection currently seated in the halls of Congress, and on investigative committees, who should be, as they say in mob parlance, “guests of the government”—behind bars not grandstanding on TV.
Yes, I believe Fox will lose the Dominion defamation case and pay $2 billion or $3 billion or whatever the amount ends up being—the company coffers are deep and Rupert Murdoch is worth tens of billions if I’m not mistaken, so that’s covered—but the Fox audience isn’t going anywhere and those who think that advertisers are going to leave the network on principle because they lied to the audience, are delusional. Advertisers aren’t going to walk away because the eyeballs are going to be there: as long as they keep bashing Dems, PoC, LGBTQ folks and celebrate the likes of Putin and Ordan, the Fox faithful will tune in. They won’t care that they were lied to about the 2020 election or Dominion, etc. or even care about the contempt that Fucker Klansman has for them and their Mango Mussolini. As long as they’re being fed red poisonous meat every day they won’t care and tune in as usual.
Don’t get me wrong: Fox •should• be destroyed and not a moment too soon. But I think people are making a much bigger deal about this than it actually is in terms of consequences for Fox. The greater consequence, in my humble estimation, is that a hugely popular, well-established TV network blatantly lied for ratings while showing a huge disregard for what the propagation of those lies would mean in terms of further polarizing a deeply divided nation, but isn’t losing their license and being shut down.

Friday, March 10, 2023

The GOPee Is For The Children

On Tuesday, former White House propagandist and current governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, signed into law the Youth Hiring Act of 2023. Under this new law children younger than 16 do not need permission from the Division of Labor to get a job or an employment certificate, which verified their age, described their work and work schedule, and included written consent from a parent or guardian. This is what the party that beats its chest about protecting children is up to. Yup. 

Mind you, this bill was signed into law on the heels of the Department of Labor reporting widespread employment of children in at least eight states doing hazardous work involving caustic chemicals; and in Arkansas proper—as well as Texas—Chili’s restaurant has allegedly subjected teenage females to sexual harassment. (The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission is suing.) Perfect timing, Guv. 

But let’s not put all the onus of evil on Huckabee Sanders and her ilk. No, there has to be a plurality of voters siding with them to be able to reach office and put laws like this one into effect. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again and I’ll probably keep saying it for a very long time: the GOPee are immoral hacks, but the people who vote for them and enable this sort of thing are the true demons.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Republicans and the Trans Community: Just Spreading The Hate

Why the big focus on the trans community? All this effort to hurt people who have done NOTHING to you, not to mention the hypocrisy of the “small government” faction involving the government in every aspect of people’s personal lives and their bodies. (Btw, when is Caitlyn Jenner gonna call out the anti-trans mob? Oh, that’s right: she’s a Republican, too, so I guess they get a pass.) 

What the fuck is wrong with these PoS?!

Monday, October 31, 2022

Monday Morning Thoughts

- With the World Cup being held in Qatar, a country that doles out 7-year jail sentences for simply being gay, there has been an international LGBTQ+ boycott of the games. In response, a prominent local journalist, Abdulla Alemadi (who may or may not work for Al-Jazeera) tweeted that Qatar is “not honoured to welcome such abnormal ideas and tendencies” and his upcoming delight in enjoying a “clean sporting event without homosexuals”. He further added it would be a “blessed moment” to not have LGBTQ+ fans (who he also equates to "demon worshippers") in attendance for the World Cup. Well, that's one way to handle it.
Meanwhile, FIFA, soccer's international body which governs the World Cup, has been facing mounting criticism from both fans and players for choosing Qatar as the site of this year's Cup, in light of the country's stance towards the LGBTQ+ community, as well as its other numerous human rights violations. Heckuva job, Brownie.
And speaking of gay panic...
- The gay-hookup-gone-wrong scenario that wingnuts have been pushing vis-a-vis the Paul Pelosi Sr. attack (or rather, the attempted assassination of Speaker Nancy Pelosi), originated with a half-assed report from a SF-based Fox (who else?) "journalist" who has since retracted his story. The wingnut universe has not, however. My take is that the reporter knowingly put out this bullshit on purpose so that assorted MAGAts would disseminate it and then he'd retract it to cover his ass, after the damage was done.
- Overlooked in the wake of the Pelosi attack is the news that the DoJ has added David Raskin, an accomplished terrorism prosecutor, to the Mar-A-Lago stolen documents case against the Orange Turd. WaPo reports that experts on the matter believe the DoJ bringing on heavy hitters such as Raskin is a strong indication of the seriousness with which the DoJ is taking this case. (Espionage charges, maybe? Fingers crossed.)
- There are reports that defeated incumbent Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro had ordered that roads in districts heavily favoring his opponent, President-elect Lula da Silva, be closed on election day to make it harder for those folks to vote. Watch the MAGAts pull that bullshit here.
- This past weekend when the GOP's candidate for Pennsylvania governor (and confirmed bigot) Doug Mastriano was questioned by an Israeli reporter about his ties to anti-Semites as well as his dog whistles about his opponent, current PA AG Josh Shapiro, who is Jewish, Mastriano's wife stepped in (it) and intercepted her husband with “I'm gonna say we probably love Israel more than a lot of Jews do.” Yup.
What she didn't clarify was that her "love" of Israel does not extend to Jews, and that's all part of an Evangelical fundamentalist End of Days prophecy in which all the Jews return to Israel and either convert to Christianity or are slain. To these people Israel only matters as a place to fulfill this prophecy; Jews not so much. So I guess the reporter got the answer he needed. And so did we.
- During the telecast of the first World Series with no African-Americans on the field since 1950, Fox Sports is airing what the LA Times called "openly racist" ads by "Citizens for Sanity", a group which includes the involvement of the spawn of Satan himself, Stephen Miller, among other former aides of the Orange Turd. Many baseball fans, Hispanic and not, were incensed over the ads in which immigrants are portrayed as “drug dealers, sex traffickers and violent predators”, and have lit up social media with their rabid complaints.
Listen, Fox Sports is supposedly a separate entity under the Murdoch umbrella, but this assholery does not surprise me one bit. That doesn't mean I wasn't pissed off when I saw the ads but, you know...
#USPolitics #Pelosi #Israel #Josh Shapiro #Brazil #Lula #WorldCup #Qatar #LGBTQ

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization [ex #648]

See, this is what I'm talking about:


A Danish documentary crew captured MAGAt sewer rat and pardoned criminal Roger Stone on camera, days before Election Day 2020, laying out plans for the election results and the "Stop the Steal" bullshit.


“Fuck the voting, let’s get right to the violence. Shoot to kill. See an ANTIFA? Shoot to kill.”


 “I really do suspect it’ll still be up in the air. When that happens, the key thing to do is to claim victory. Possession is nine tenths of the law...No, we won.”


Post January 6:


“I believe the President is for it. The obstacles are these lily livered, weak kneed, bureaucrats in the White House Counsel’s Office and now they must be crushed because they’ve told the President something that’s not true.”


Stone had been going on this tip for months, according to CNN:


"As far back as July 2020, Stone talked about challenging the upcoming presidential election in the courts. 'The election will not be normal,' he said. 'Sorry, we’re not accepting them', he said of the anticipated results. 'We’re challenging them in court'. 'If the electors show up at the Electoral College, armed guards will throw them out', he continued. 'I’m challenging all of it. And the judges we’re going to, are judges I appointed'.”


The media has found Stone's violent pronouncements "shocking".


Wait...what? "Shocking?"


The man is an operative in a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION (aka the GOP) and A CRIMINAL, why is it "shocking" that he would advocate for violence and electoral destabilization?


When will the media (and by extension the Dems) recognize these people as the terrorists they are and treat them accordingly?! What's it going to take?! Good fucking grief!!!

See, this is what I'm talking about...

A Danish documentary crew captured MAGAt sewer rat and pardoned criminal Roger Stone on camera, days before Election Day 2020, laying out plans for the election results and the "Stop the Steal" bullshit.

“Fuck the voting, let’s get right to the violence. Shoot to kill. See an ANTIFA? Shoot to kill.”

 “I really do suspect it’ll still be up in the air. When that happens, the key thing to do is to claim victory. Possession is nine tenths of the law...No, we won.”

Post January 6:

“I believe the President is for it. The obstacles are these lily livered, weak kneed, bureaucrats in the White House Counsel’s Office and now they must be crushed because they’ve told the President something that’s not true.”

Stone had been going on this tip for months, according to CNN:

"As far back as July 2020, Stone talked about challenging the upcoming presidential election in the courts. 'The election will not be normal,' he said. 'Sorry, we’re not accepting them', he said of the anticipated results. 'We’re challenging them in court'. 'If the electors show up at the Electoral College, armed guards will throw them out', he continued. 'I’m challenging all of it. And the judges we’re going to, are judges I appointed'.”

The media has found Stone's violent pronouncements "shocking".

Wait...what? "Shocking?"

The man is an operative in a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION (aka the GOP) and A CRIMINAL, why is it "shocking" that he would advocate for violence and electoral destabilization?

When will the media (and by extension the Dems) recognize these people as the terrorists they are and treat them accordingly?! What's it going to take?! Good fucking grief!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been investigated for allegations of sexual harassment. And now whatever the next step is, should be taken in this matter. If he is impeached and removed from office, so be it. But I firmly and unapologetically do not want him to resign. And this is why: 

I do not condone or support sexual harassment in any way shape or form. But this is a time of war, politically speaking. And as long as only one side pays the consequence for any alleged misconduct, then we live in a world of absurdity. Al Franken, gone from the Senate; Cuomo possibly removed from the governorship. Meanwhile, has Trump paid a price for his assaults and alleged rapes? 26 credible instances, no less. So I ask, what good are the rules if only one side is going to abide by them? Sadly, we live in a time in which the political moral highground is little more than a Pyrric victory's last battlefield. 

As flawed as Cuomo is as a governor, none of the New York GOP clowns can beat him. But they’ve got a fighting chance if the Democrats nominate one of the non-starters Cuomo wiped the floor with in the previous election. I’m not ready or willing to go there. Why? 

Well, as a native New Yorker, in these times in which the Republican Party is nothing more than a terrorist organization, I don’t want them governing my state. I’m sorry if I sound callous and cold-hearted, that is not my intent. But as I said before, this is a time of war in which we are facing an enemy that wants to destroy us not just politically but physically as well, and to give them any ground is suicide. And so, if he’s going to be impeached and removed from office, then that’s how it goes. But he should not resign. No way. And if he's on the ballot next time, he has my vote.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Jim Crow Is Back or Why The QOP Is Against HR1

The purpose of HR1 aka the For the People Act of 2021 is to increase access to voting, curb Big Money’s influence in politics and fight corruption, as well as increase transparency in political donations and prevent gerrymandering. 

So, of course, the Republicans are vehemently opposed to the bill. 

In fact, Sen. Ted Cruz has overdramatically characterized it as a move by Democrats to ensure they never lose an election at any level for the next century. In other words, he’s accusing Dems of trying to do EXACTLY what Republicans have been doing and want to perpetuate. Call it gaslighting, hypocrisy, projection—it all adds some to the same nefarious result: the #QOP wants to disenfranchise as many voters as possible in areas where residents vote mostly for Democrats. Pure and simple. 

To this end, Treasonous Ted fearmongers and lies in order to greedily hang on to power, knowing all too well that their voter ID laws, cutting polling hours and frequent voter roll purges are simply #QOP efforts to hinder the PoC vote and further guarantee a tyranny of the minority by putting a chokehold on democracy. Fuck him and the rest of ‘em. 

You would think that instead of pulling this treacherous bullshit, standing by the guy who lost the White House by 7 million votes, lost them the House twice, lost them the Senate and left office with a 34% approval rating, they’d be working hard at expanding their base. I mean, there’s plenty of conservative PoC who they could probably attract. But those folks don’t want to share a tent with neo-Nazis, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and other assorted racists the #QOP embraces in order to win. And that’s not counting the Republican voters they’ve been losing since the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol of this past January 6th. So if you can’t grow the party and your followers are leaving in significant numbers, what’s left? Putting restrictions on those who vote for your opponents, that’s what. 

But even more vigorously now. 

When we saw them unanimously oppose in both houses of Congress a bill that 60% of their own base supports, the #QOP confirmed what we already knew: not only do they not want to take steps to attract more voters but they want to bamboozle the ones they already have. Republicans don't want to do the necessary work to ensure the #QOP can expand, they want to limit who can vote for the Democrats, period. And that, right there, is not just evidence of the deep rot at the core of today's Republican party, but further confirmation that they are the party of Trump, with or without him.


From what I understand, ESPN has internal rules about anchors not discussing politics on the air, as well as not broaching the subject publi...