Once again defending the indefensible, this POTUS' supporters are bemoaning the questioning of a egomaniacal president* whose arrogance, incompetence and narcissism has clearly endangered the lives of millions in the midst of a worldwide health crisis by reducing the position of those who point out his numerous (and some would aptly say purposely murderous) disastrous decisions to attacks motivated by a personal disdain of the man. OK, enough. I've got something to say to them.
I am so sick and tired of this “just because you hate him” nonsense, as if we’re talking about Ghandi or Mother Theresa. How dare you sell your souls to support a corrupt, ignorant, inept and proven vulgar misogynist, racist, sexual predator, traitor and thief and then look down at the rest of us as if we’re the ones with moral failings?! Shame on every last one of you!
You’re the ones backing the man who caged children and pawned a bunch of ‘em off to right-wing adoption agencies.
You’re the ones supporting the man who said neo-Nazis were fine people.
You’re the ones condoning the actions of a man who says it’s alright to grab women by their genitals without permission.
You’re the ones siding with a man who took the word of a sworn American enemy over that of our intelligence agencies.
And now, you’re the ones agreeing with a criminal buffoon who doesn’t care if millions die as long as he can tout a stable economy—WHICH HE INHERITED THAT WAY from the Kenyan Muslim, as you all called him—all in a bid to win re-election and avoid being jailed next year. But we’re the bad guys???!!
Well, you all have blood on your hands and can go rot in Hell along with him. How’s that?
Too bad we can’t secede since the GOP would fight tooth and nail for the red welfare states to get that blue state tax revenue which they would starve without, and the Dems are too chicken shit to put up a fight and realize that:
a) this unholy union has run its course
b) you people would kill us in our sleep if you could.
I mean, you are LITERALLY fine with millions dying to "save" the economy. (You mean your portfolios, right?) Aren't you supposed to be the "pro-ilfe" people? Oh, right: that was always bullshit.
The conservative "pro-life" stance is one huge hypocritical con visible to all who cared to see it. We've seen it in the disdain, if not downright hostility, towards day care, single mothers, child benefits, etc. "Love the fetus, hate the child", I've heard it called. Perfect. The fact of the matter, is that the term is a misnomer under the best of circumstances, since it's actually pro-birth and anchored by white procreation. In other words, if WoC were the only ones deciding their pregnancies, the "pro-lfe" movement would simply not exist. Poof!
And now we're seeing its even darker side: "I don't care who has to die as long as my portfolio doesn't tank and we keep our Great White Dope in the White House before the AO-C and Bernie Sanders-led communists change our way of life."
Evil, evil people you Chumpbots/MAGAts.
God help us all.
(PS: You should have you rallies and avoid social distancing. But you should also forfeit the right to visit any public hospital when you get infected. Pay doctors and nurses to come to your homes if you want care. Or just take your chances at home. Isn't that what a free market looks like?)
Friday, March 27, 2020
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