Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Trump's White House is 'House of Cards'...with Idiots

I am not objective about Rudy Giuliani; I greatly despise the man. As a native New Yorker who lived through the despicable-turned-mythological reign of "America's Mayor" (his sycophants should listen to the families of fallen NYFD and their surviving comrades speak on how he sold them out on September 11th, 2001 and thus has blood on his hands) I loathe him profoundly. To see him betray the law enforcement colleagues he served with and embarrass himself on TV in service to the PoS that is Donald Trump is not just classic schadenfreude but, more importantly, shows the true measure of this man. He is vile and worthless. Ridicule and disdain is too good for him.

I must admit, recent developments worry me: for if despite the corruption and ineptitude on which this idiotic cartel thrives, nothing ends up happening to them, we are doomed.

[CNN: 21 Head-Scratching Lines from A(nother) Disastrous Rudy Giuliani Interview]

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...