- North Korea threatens to bail from summit with US. (Looks like violating the Iran deal did not inspire much trust in the Trump administration, huh?)
- Trump appeases China (and, indirectly, his pockets) with ZTE deal after $1b in Chinese loans are approved for an Indonesian resort he has a stake in.
- Longtime Trump attorney Jay Goldberg slams Giuliani's performance as Trump's lead counsel.
- The White House eliminated the Cyber Czar position after the initial appointee left to return to the NSA.
- California’s right-to-die law, which allows terminally ill people to take their own lives with the aid of a physician, has been overturned by a state judge.
- A former CIA employee suspected by the federal government of giving a massive amount of documents to WikiLeaks is also facing charges of sexual assault.
- "Democratic" senators Mark Warner (D-VA), Heidi Heitkamp (ND), Bill Nelson (FL), Joe Donnelly (IN) and Joe Manchin (WV) will vote to confirm Gina Haspel as CIA director, despite her problematic past relationship with "enhanced interrogation techniques" aka torture.