Thursday, May 3, 2018

Giuliani Sets Trump's Hair On Fire

The alliance of Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani is New York City's worst political dumpster fire of the last 30 years. And now they have taken the disgrace to a new low as the latter, legally representing the former, further incriminated the Orange Nightmare on both the Russian collusion front AND the Stormy Daniels scandal. And in their Fox News safe space, no less: on Sean Hannity's propaganda segment.
"[Trump] fired [FBI director James] Comey because Comey would not, among other things, say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation."
Hmm. That's funny, since Trump has repeatedly and vehemently denied the Russian collusion investigation was the reason for firing Comey.

As far as the Stormy Daniels scandal goes, Giuliani also told Sean Calamity, on the air, that Trump “didn’t know about the specifics" of the agreement and/or the $130,000 payment maid by his attorney/"fixer" Michael Cohen to Daniels but was aware of "the general arrangements” and that Trump repaid the $130K via multiple $35,000 installments.

But wait...didn't Trump vociferously deny having any advance knowledge whatsoever of the NDA or the payment, and claimed that his Cohen had acted alone?

Smells like two week old fish left out on the windowsill.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...