Friday, September 12, 2008

Venezuela Severs Diplomatic Ties with US (maybe)

Backed by unsubstantiated claims of breaking up a US-backed plot to overthrow him and alleging solidarity with Bolivian president Evo Morales for his decision to sever diplomatic ties with Washington, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has given US ambassador to Venezuela Patrick Duddy 72 hours to leave the country and has recalled Venezuela's ambassador to Washington, Bernardo Alvarez.

Of course, this clown is the toothless dog that barks the loudest. He has not proffered up any proof of the alleged attempt against him; and as for the US embassy in Caracas, spokeswoman Jennifer Rahimi had this to say: "We saw the speech and we're investigating, but we haven't seen anything official."

The US is Venezuela's no.1 client in the oil trade. Let's see if Chavez, with Venezuela's economy at its lowest point in decades, actually goes through with this farce and hampers the influx of "petrodollars", his main source of bribery and conscience purchasing, both home and abroad.

Oh, and thanks to Alvarez for his assertion that diplomatic ties will be renewed "when there's a new government in the United States." Yeah, because Barack Obama really needs to be tied to Chavez by the GOP. Great.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...