The DNC's put up a site tallying the alleged untruths Sen. John McCain has uttered since wrapping up his party's nomination. According to the folks at McCainpedia, "independent, nonpartisan fact checkers have published more than 50 fact checks debunking John McCain's lies and distortions." Dig in!
While you're checking out the nearly five dozen instances of falsehoods and propaganda, we offer you some Keating 5-era synth-pop courtesy of The Thompson Twins called--what else?--"Lies".
Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]
Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David . An Iranian-bo...
I’m talking about as little as possible about what’s on the horizon because I get into an uncontrollable rage when I discuss it or even thin...
During his speech at the RNC Tuesday night, former senator Fred Thompson , said the following about John McCain : " Now, being a POW ce...