Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Woe is GOP

Swing State Project has put together "The Modern Republican Party: A Compendium of Catastrophe" which goes through the "Republican hubris, fuckups and misfortunes" of the last 18 months.

Some of my faves include:

- Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann is forced to recant her unsubstantiated, unsourced claim of a covert plan by Iran to set up "a terrorist safe haven zone" in Iraq, which would be known as the "Iraq State of Islam" and would be a base of operations from which to attack other countries in the Middle East and the US.

- Michigan congressman Tim Walberg’s assertion that Iraq was as safe as Detroit or Chicago.

- 60% of the local party in Lyndhurst, NJ—including the entire Republican governing party—switches from the GOP to the Democrats.

- Retiring Virginia congressman Tom Davis’ allegation that his party’s "brand is so bad right now that if it were a dog food, they'd take it off the shelf."

- Unable to agree on a suitable replacement for disgraced congressman Vito Fossella—after the two most promising potential candidates declined to run—Staten Island conservatives decide to endorse a Democrat.

Man, if the Democrats lose this election they need to close up shop, send eveybody home and board up the place. Seriously.

The Enemy Is Us

Can we be honest here? We can attack #TRE45ON and his sycophantic minions for their decidedly unAmerican, fascist dreams of a theocratic dic...