Wednesday, August 4, 2021


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been investigated for allegations of sexual harassment. And now whatever the next step is, should be taken in this matter. If he is impeached and removed from office, so be it. But I firmly and unapologetically do not want him to resign. And this is why: 

I do not condone or support sexual harassment in any way shape or form. But this is a time of war, politically speaking. And as long as only one side pays the consequence for any alleged misconduct, then we live in a world of absurdity. Al Franken, gone from the Senate; Cuomo possibly removed from the governorship. Meanwhile, has Trump paid a price for his assaults and alleged rapes? 26 credible instances, no less. So I ask, what good are the rules if only one side is going to abide by them? Sadly, we live in a time in which the political moral highground is little more than a Pyrric victory's last battlefield. 

As flawed as Cuomo is as a governor, none of the New York GOP clowns can beat him. But they’ve got a fighting chance if the Democrats nominate one of the non-starters Cuomo wiped the floor with in the previous election. I’m not ready or willing to go there. Why? 

Well, as a native New Yorker, in these times in which the Republican Party is nothing more than a terrorist organization, I don’t want them governing my state. I’m sorry if I sound callous and cold-hearted, that is not my intent. But as I said before, this is a time of war in which we are facing an enemy that wants to destroy us not just politically but physically as well, and to give them any ground is suicide. And so, if he’s going to be impeached and removed from office, then that’s how it goes. But he should not resign. No way. And if he's on the ballot next time, he has my vote.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Jim Crow Is Back or Why The QOP Is Against HR1

The purpose of HR1 aka the For the People Act of 2021 is to increase access to voting, curb Big Money’s influence in politics and fight corruption, as well as increase transparency in political donations and prevent gerrymandering. 

So, of course, the Republicans are vehemently opposed to the bill. 

In fact, Sen. Ted Cruz has overdramatically characterized it as a move by Democrats to ensure they never lose an election at any level for the next century. In other words, he’s accusing Dems of trying to do EXACTLY what Republicans have been doing and want to perpetuate. Call it gaslighting, hypocrisy, projection—it all adds some to the same nefarious result: the #QOP wants to disenfranchise as many voters as possible in areas where residents vote mostly for Democrats. Pure and simple. 

To this end, Treasonous Ted fearmongers and lies in order to greedily hang on to power, knowing all too well that their voter ID laws, cutting polling hours and frequent voter roll purges are simply #QOP efforts to hinder the PoC vote and further guarantee a tyranny of the minority by putting a chokehold on democracy. Fuck him and the rest of ‘em. 

You would think that instead of pulling this treacherous bullshit, standing by the guy who lost the White House by 7 million votes, lost them the House twice, lost them the Senate and left office with a 34% approval rating, they’d be working hard at expanding their base. I mean, there’s plenty of conservative PoC who they could probably attract. But those folks don’t want to share a tent with neo-Nazis, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and other assorted racists the #QOP embraces in order to win. And that’s not counting the Republican voters they’ve been losing since the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol of this past January 6th. So if you can’t grow the party and your followers are leaving in significant numbers, what’s left? Putting restrictions on those who vote for your opponents, that’s what. 

But even more vigorously now. 

When we saw them unanimously oppose in both houses of Congress a bill that 60% of their own base supports, the #QOP confirmed what we already knew: not only do they not want to take steps to attract more voters but they want to bamboozle the ones they already have. Republicans don't want to do the necessary work to ensure the #QOP can expand, they want to limit who can vote for the Democrats, period. And that, right there, is not just evidence of the deep rot at the core of today's Republican party, but further confirmation that they are the party of Trump, with or without him.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Why Do You Hate America, QOP?

Because they have nothing of substance to hang on their opposition to the very popular American Recovery Act, QOPers are making the rounds of the political talk shows decrying how the ARA gives checks to inmates…just like the previous 2 rounds of stimulus money they signed off on during the previous administration. But since this time the stimulus went out under a Democratic POTUS, they’re all up in arms about the same thing they approved last time. (Never mind that the amount in question is less than 1% of the money of the total bill.) 

So, in order to deflect from the fact that they UNANIMOUSLY voted AGAINST a bill that is popular with more than 75% of the country—including 60% of their own base; how are they gonna explain that?—the QOP find themselves in the fucked up and unenviable position of attacking a very popular measure just so they can come up with any little bullshit argument to seemingly hurt the POTUS. That, of course, being more important to them than to help the American people who, across the board, so desperately need help. 

These people call themselves patriots. If so, they need to love this country significantly less.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

When It Comes to DINOs, I Prefer Fred Flintstone’s

Neera Tanden’s nomination for the OMB was withdrawn by the White House on Tuesday. It’s well-known that she’s not a wilting flower, that she is quite combative and has openly called out a lot of people in her day. And as a key part of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, she’s not someone likely to be confirmed by these petty, obstructionist and terrorist sympathizing Republicans. But Democrats have 50 seats in the Senate plus the tie-breaking VP vote, so this shouldn’t be an issue, right? 

Ha! Democrats getting it right? Sucker!

It got so bad they had to ask Lisa Murkowski [R-AK] to consider voting for Tanden since they couldn’t get the Blue Dogs Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Krysten Sinema of Arizona (plus Sen. Bernie Sanders) to vote for her. Hilarious!

But here’s the thing: Biden wanted her BAD and the White House Chief of Staff is a HUGE supporter, so all these people did was piss off the administration, seeing as the White House, on the heels of Tanden’s withdrawal, categorically stated Tanden was going to be a key person in this administration. (Who knows? She might be in the WH as senior adviser next week.) Let’s see…she’s not going anywhere, they made the WH look weak unnecessarily and, more importantly, gave the QOP a free win. Heckuva job, Demmies! 

I wouldn’t be surprised if some people reacted to my take on this is an out-and-out defense of Tanden per se, but it’s not about Tanden for me. Nope. It’s about GIVING the Republicans a win. Especially one that can be avoided since Democrats should not be siding in any way, shape or form with a terrorist organization such as the QOP. They have tossed aside their political party façade and comfortably settled into their role as a terrorist organization, and should be dealt with as such. If they ever become sane again, fine. But as long as they continue to behave as the anti-democratic supporters of domestic terrorism they currently are, Democrats should retain a united, bullet-proof front. You know, like how every single Republican in the House voted against Biden’s stimulus/COVID bill. Like that but for good. 

And so, it’s done. Manchin—who said Tanden’s tweets upset him but did not exhibit the same displeasure for the Epi-pen price gouging by his pharma daughter (which Tanden criticized)—and the GOP got their way. The senator from WV got to avenge Tanden’s harsh criticism of his despicable daughter’s actions; Sen. Sanders got a little political retribution; and frankly, I don’t care what reasons other Democrats may have had. They fucked up.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Both Sides Now

The lack of nuance in ascribing our political woes to both sides of our two-party majority landscape makes me bristle at the mere mention of false equivalency. While the Democratic Party is not a cathedral of virtuous saints, it is not the party whose membership and ideological allies include a smorgasbord of violent, reactionary anti-government types, as well as neo-Nazis, the KKK, and assorted white supremacists of varying degrees and stature. The GOP, at best, has tolerated these groups. And at worst, as we’ve seen of late, encouraged them to come to the forefront and unleash their ire, resentment and undemocratic tendencies to the vilest of extremes. 

But sadly, liberals are partially to blame for the rise of these elements in our society. 

How so? 

One of the basic characteristics of humanity is self-preservation. To acknowledge that which poses a threat to our very existence is an instinct that must be honed by every individual and, indeed, every society. The rogue elements in our society that pay lip service to democracy and freedom but in fact harbor a deep hatred for these precepts, are not of a recent vintage. They have been present throughout our history in various permutations and levels of prominence. And yet, those who ideologically oppose them have, in essence, hidden their proverbial heads in the sand, seemingly under the illusion that this will all go away somehow, instead of facing head-on the existential threat these elements pose to our society and our individual existence. 

We have to do more than just acknowledge that a significant portion of this country would prefer a right-wing dictatorship over a Democratic president, but accept that a segment of the country is so far gone that a moderate liberal POTUS represents in their eyes a fall into brutal Communist rule. Yes, there’s plenty of demagoguery there, but ignorance plays a key part in dissemination and reaffirmation of these beliefs. there is a death cult-type stubbornness that has been cultivated over decades of lies, disinformation, faulty education and out right propaganda. One that is underlined and validated by the corruption and moral bankruptcy of spiritual leaders who long ago abandoned any ties to the pillars of tolerance and compassion of their faith. 

And while this poisonous yet intoxicating brew was being consumed in large quantities, liberal leaders and their followers have continuously approached this as an aberration that would somehow eventually lose its appeal. And once gone, its adherents would hopefully return to a place of common sense and civility. This, instead of recognizing the deadly consequences to us all, has been their approach in dealing with this looming threat. 

The events of January 6th, 2021 are not a surprise to those of us who have recognized the evil in the actions and pronouncements of not just those who openly align with these terrorist groups, but also in the everyday person who once quietly but now loudly voices their support for atrocities and attacks on the very democratic fabric of our country. After all, how sweet can Grandma truly be if she’s OK with children in cages? 

After slavery, in my unscientific opinion, the greatest stain on our country has been our inability to face the truth to its logical conclusion. Or seal the deal, as it’s popularly known. It’s a cornerstone of our foreign policy, for Pete’s sake: get in, make a mess, get out and let someone else figure it out. We can’t afford to do that anymore here or anywhere else. Because now, the mess has reached a fever pitch in our own backyard. And it won’t go away. 

I acknowledge that my dream of secession is little more than a rose-colored, liberal utopia. But if we’re going to share a country with people who see us not as opponents or rivals but enemies who must be destroyed, then we have to let them firmly know we won’t be pushed around. That their actions will have consequences; deadly ones if necessary. Yes, indeed. 

God help us all.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...