Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Both Sides Now

The lack of nuance in ascribing our political woes to both sides of our two-party majority landscape makes me bristle at the mere mention of false equivalency. While the Democratic Party is not a cathedral of virtuous saints, it is not the party whose membership and ideological allies include a smorgasbord of violent, reactionary anti-government types, as well as neo-Nazis, the KKK, and assorted white supremacists of varying degrees and stature. The GOP, at best, has tolerated these groups. And at worst, as we’ve seen of late, encouraged them to come to the forefront and unleash their ire, resentment and undemocratic tendencies to the vilest of extremes. 

But sadly, liberals are partially to blame for the rise of these elements in our society. 

How so? 

One of the basic characteristics of humanity is self-preservation. To acknowledge that which poses a threat to our very existence is an instinct that must be honed by every individual and, indeed, every society. The rogue elements in our society that pay lip service to democracy and freedom but in fact harbor a deep hatred for these precepts, are not of a recent vintage. They have been present throughout our history in various permutations and levels of prominence. And yet, those who ideologically oppose them have, in essence, hidden their proverbial heads in the sand, seemingly under the illusion that this will all go away somehow, instead of facing head-on the existential threat these elements pose to our society and our individual existence. 

We have to do more than just acknowledge that a significant portion of this country would prefer a right-wing dictatorship over a Democratic president, but accept that a segment of the country is so far gone that a moderate liberal POTUS represents in their eyes a fall into brutal Communist rule. Yes, there’s plenty of demagoguery there, but ignorance plays a key part in dissemination and reaffirmation of these beliefs. there is a death cult-type stubbornness that has been cultivated over decades of lies, disinformation, faulty education and out right propaganda. One that is underlined and validated by the corruption and moral bankruptcy of spiritual leaders who long ago abandoned any ties to the pillars of tolerance and compassion of their faith. 

And while this poisonous yet intoxicating brew was being consumed in large quantities, liberal leaders and their followers have continuously approached this as an aberration that would somehow eventually lose its appeal. And once gone, its adherents would hopefully return to a place of common sense and civility. This, instead of recognizing the deadly consequences to us all, has been their approach in dealing with this looming threat. 

The events of January 6th, 2021 are not a surprise to those of us who have recognized the evil in the actions and pronouncements of not just those who openly align with these terrorist groups, but also in the everyday person who once quietly but now loudly voices their support for atrocities and attacks on the very democratic fabric of our country. After all, how sweet can Grandma truly be if she’s OK with children in cages? 

After slavery, in my unscientific opinion, the greatest stain on our country has been our inability to face the truth to its logical conclusion. Or seal the deal, as it’s popularly known. It’s a cornerstone of our foreign policy, for Pete’s sake: get in, make a mess, get out and let someone else figure it out. We can’t afford to do that anymore here or anywhere else. Because now, the mess has reached a fever pitch in our own backyard. And it won’t go away. 

I acknowledge that my dream of secession is little more than a rose-colored, liberal utopia. But if we’re going to share a country with people who see us not as opponents or rivals but enemies who must be destroyed, then we have to let them firmly know we won’t be pushed around. That their actions will have consequences; deadly ones if necessary. Yes, indeed. 

God help us all.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...