Wednesday, August 4, 2021


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been investigated for allegations of sexual harassment. And now whatever the next step is, should be taken in this matter. If he is impeached and removed from office, so be it. But I firmly and unapologetically do not want him to resign. And this is why: 

I do not condone or support sexual harassment in any way shape or form. But this is a time of war, politically speaking. And as long as only one side pays the consequence for any alleged misconduct, then we live in a world of absurdity. Al Franken, gone from the Senate; Cuomo possibly removed from the governorship. Meanwhile, has Trump paid a price for his assaults and alleged rapes? 26 credible instances, no less. So I ask, what good are the rules if only one side is going to abide by them? Sadly, we live in a time in which the political moral highground is little more than a Pyrric victory's last battlefield. 

As flawed as Cuomo is as a governor, none of the New York GOP clowns can beat him. But they’ve got a fighting chance if the Democrats nominate one of the non-starters Cuomo wiped the floor with in the previous election. I’m not ready or willing to go there. Why? 

Well, as a native New Yorker, in these times in which the Republican Party is nothing more than a terrorist organization, I don’t want them governing my state. I’m sorry if I sound callous and cold-hearted, that is not my intent. But as I said before, this is a time of war in which we are facing an enemy that wants to destroy us not just politically but physically as well, and to give them any ground is suicide. And so, if he’s going to be impeached and removed from office, then that’s how it goes. But he should not resign. No way. And if he's on the ballot next time, he has my vote.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...