Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11th: Then, Now And Tomorrow

With the caveat that I would like nothing more than to be wrong and have to eat my words, I must say, that the hope of uniting this country as it was in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, is no longer a possibility. Why? Because we had a an even greater and grimmer and deadlier event a mere four years ago which placed in stark relief the chasm between us as a country. 

Back in 2001, I remember vividly when, immediately after the attacks, unrequested volunteers showed up from all over the country to aid us in our time of need here in New York City. All across the country, “We’re all New Yorkers” was the mantra.
Fast forward to 2020 and red state folks wishing further death upon us, as a global pandemic ravaged my beloved Gotham City. So, to answer your question, I firmly believe another September 11 would fail to unite us, seeing as a more deadly event has already exposed the extent of our polarization.
Which dovetails with the subject of the political choices of those who, on the surface, seem to align themselves with those purveying a platform contrary to their benefit.
The reason I have cut out 99% MAGAt family or friends from my life, is not merely the political differences between us. No. It’s that I have come to the conclusion and realization that the preference for this Orange Monster and the ideology of those around him and supporting him, betrays a deep rooted evil that goes way beyond any sort of political inclination or thought. At their core is a lust for the destruction and ultimate demise of all those who do not think or look like them. They have renounced their loyalty to country, Constitution and civility, all in the name of punishing those who dare not only disagree, but who they feel threaten their centuries-long privilege and protected status with diversity, equality and inclusion and, more importantly, justice.
I fully and completely respect however others who share my political ideology decide to conduct themselves within this regard. But let me humbly state that if I were them, I’d stay away from these people as best as humanly possible. Unless your plan involves growing eyes in the back of your head.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...