Friday, October 23, 2020

Mirror, Mirror

We have been exposed.

Regardless of who is president on January 21, 2021, we have been exposed to the world: our failures, our hypocrisy, our weaknesses, our lack of moral standing…all of it has been exposed for the rest of the world to see. And that is ultimately the current POTUS’ legacy: pulling back the curtain and letting everyone get a good look at the rot and decay.
The difference between who is POTUS in late January is between a continuation along this wretched path or one of two other scenarios: initial steps towards possibly restoring this country to some sort of semblance of functionality OR a temporary delay of the inevitable crash and burn of the United States of America.
A Biden presidency with a Republican majority in the Senate will experience a level of obstructionism that would make that faced by Obama mere child’s play. Republicans see this as do-or-die time to completely reshape this country into a full-on, savagely capitalist, theocratic wasteland. And in many regards, they have not only laid the groundwork but are successfully taking us in that direction.
In the midst of this, for better or worse, we have seen ourselves in the mirror and discerned who we truly are. And we’ve seen where lies the biggest threat: we are at a seemingly insurmountable divide amongst ourselves. One that a presidential election won’t resolve. One that we may not be able to overcome. We need to rethink this thing and figure out what it is we truly want out of our country, because this present course is not only unsustainable but pointless to maintain.
The domestic terrorist who plays president on TV recently told his death cult that he felt like Superman. No, it’s more like Lex Luthor. And with millions of hate-filled henchmen ready to go down in flames. What are we gonna do about it? The ballot box seems like a quaint and ultimately ineffective solution.
“We’ll see”, said the blind man.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...