Friday, May 15, 2020

The Cowardly Kittens

Since I don’t interact with Chumpbots/MAGAts on any regular basis anymore I don’t find myself debating them as frequently as I used to, but I like to share this kind of info because sometimes folks have to rebuff the bullshit spewed by the vast right-wing conspiracy apparatus—HRC sure got that one right—and this might help.

So, now that the 69-page pandemic preparedness playbook/report left by the Obama administration has been made public, this administration’s story has shifted from ‘they left us nothing’ to ‘what they left us was not enough’. Fine. The administration that authored the aforementioned playbook, put together a top-notch global health security team and held the total of H1N1 deaths to 12,400; Ebola: 2; and Zika: 1, did a lousy job of preparing the country for a pandemic, according to the Orange Turd and his circus of sycophants.

But the current criminal outfit is doing a great job: the Obama playbook was ignored; the Pandemic Preparedness Office was closed down, and the PREDICT global monitoring system was cut by 75%. Add 2 months of labeling C-19 a Democratic hoax and you get…almost 90,000 of our fellow citizens dead, more than half of whom could’ve have been spared if even bumbling action had been taken during the first week of March. And that number will continue to rise, sadly.

Meanwhile, Dear Leader and the Trumpistan flunkies pat themselves on the back and lie to the American people 24/7 while NO ONE with any real pull calls them on it.

So why isn’t the DNC on the attack? Why isn’t EVERY SINGLE PROMINENT DEMOCRAT, along with an army of political operatives and pundits, on every possible news or political talk show making sure this info is known to every man, woman and child in this country and rubbing it in the Orange Turd’s face?

And speaking of an army, why isn’t Michigan’s governor calling out the cops, the National Guard, or whoever the fuck is appropriate under the circumstances, to let the handful of fucking scumbag, Astroturf “protesters” know that they can’t intimidate the lawful government of a state?

How long are the fucking Dems going to play the Cowardly Lion routine?!

I’m sorry, “Lion”? I meant kitten. They are cowardly kittens.

And their ineptitude in facing this disgrace of a POTUS head on, is a big reason why in the middle of a horribly botched response, bordering on criminally negligent homicide, to a pandemic that will likely kill more than 100,000 Americans, the WORST president in American history has a chance of being re-elected.

Cowardly kittens, indeed.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...