Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Schmidt Quits "Indecent and Immoral" GOP

The Daily Beast: 
Top Republican strategist Steve Schmidt—the senior adviser for John McCain’s presidential run in 2008 and senior staffer for George W. Bush—has announced that he’s quit the GOP because it’s become “fully the party of Trump.” In a string of searing tweets Wednesday morning, Schmidt—who was also the campaign manager for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s re-election in California—attacked the “corrupt, indecent, and immoral” party that he said was “filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party’s greatest leaders.” The Republican strategist went on: “The first step to a season of renewal in our land is the absolute and utter repudiation of Trump and his vile enablers in the 2018 election by electing Democratic majorities.” He said the GOP has become “a danger to our democracy and values” and will from now on he will be “aligned” with the Democratic Party.

Looks like family deportations did the trick for Schmidt. I wonder what his former boss' daughter and GOP apologist, Meghan McCain, thinks of Schmidt's defection.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...