Tuesday, January 30, 2018

This Is War

The dominant presence of Breitbarters and other assorted knuckledraggers clearly demonstrates, once again, how the hard right is no longer the fringe but the heart of the current GOP.
It’s one big pirate ship of bigoted, corrupt, and power hungry scum who are out to destroy this country. Aided and abetted by fake Christians, the gullible and/or idiotic, and a Democratic Party that doesn’t fucking get it and urgently needs a wartime consigliere.
Make no mistake, short of secession, blue states will not escape the wrath of these demons via states rights. No, those are only to be acknowledged when upholding the continued existence of statues erected to honor traitors to the United States and other loathsome proposals. They will not be happy until they turn us into one of their fucking insolvent backwaters. Hell, if they could round up liberals and PoC into concentration camps they'd do it in a heartbeat. (No, don't think so? Ask any Japanese-American.) 
We’re at war, people. The Dems are under the impression we’re just having a disagreement. God help us.

Oh, So NOW You Get It? [part 2]

Another “we told you so” moment and my latest instance of schadenfreude comes courtesy of none other than Patrick Bet-David .  An Iranian-bo...